As a GMetrix Administrator, you can access the questions your organization's licenses give you access to and use those questions to create custom tests. Many instructors use this tool to create tests that cover specific objectives or to create a different combination of questions as a final since their students have become familiar with the GMetrix practice tests by the end of the course.
To create a custom test:
- Log in to your GMetrix Administrator account at
- Select Custom Tests from the navigation menu on the left.
- Select your Organization. This will take you to a list of existing tests and the option to create new tests.
- Select Create New Test
- Fill in the basic information for the test:
- Not every question is available in every language, so changing the language from English will likely limit the amount of questions available in some way.
- Custom tests default to Testing Mode (time limit and no help text), so if you want students to have access to help text and not have a time limit, you need to enable Training Mode.
- The default time limit is 60 minutes. To change it, see step 8.
- Select the primary category of questions you want (e.g., MOS 2019 or 2016), and then select the product you want to have questions for (e.g., Word 2019 or Word Expert 2019).
- Custom Tests default to Browser Based questions since most of our products are browser based. These question types include simulations and selected response types, such as multiple choice or true/false.
- Live in the App is only available for Microsoft Office Specialist, Adobe 2018+, and Autodesk Certified User. These questions require the GMetrix SMS software to be installed ( and the target software to be installed as well
- You are also able to choose multiple products within a primary category. Simply click on all that you would like to include.
- Once you've selected the product, click Next.
- This will list every question available for the product and language you have selected. You can use the Objective filter to find specific objective coverage.
- If you have selected multiple products, you will see tabs for each product. This will allow you to select specific questions from each product to be added to the custom test.
- If you have selected multiple products, you will see tabs for each product. This will allow you to select specific questions from each product to be added to the custom test.
- Above the question selector, you can see how many questions you have selected in total. You can also set the time limit (only relevant if the test is Testing Mode), and you can also randomize which questions appear in the test. The number in the Randomize box must be equal to or less than the total number of questions you select for your test. This allows you to give different tests to your students without making different tests.
- Once you have everything set, click Next, and your test will be created.
- You can now assign your test to your students.
To learn more about how to modify existing tests, see the How to Modify Custom Tests article.
Custom tests are tied to the account of the administrator who made it. If the administrator is tied to multiple organizations, then it will be available to all admins at those locations. If the administrator who created the custom test is removed from an organization, then the custom test will no longer be available to the other administrators at that organization.