Our developers released an update that allows the GMetrix plugins to work with the current versions of Adobe so that users do not have to rely on previous versions. As part of the change, we moved the location of the GMetrix Templates Files that are needed for the test. These files are now downloaded to the Adobe extensions folder along with the plugins.
We have found that in some situations, macOS is restricting the read and write access that GMetrix needs to download this content whenever a new question loads on the test. If this is happening, you can resolve it through these steps:
- Open the Finder and navigate to the Extension folder. This can be done by following the file path Macintosh HD > Library > Application Support > Adobe > CEP.
- Right Click the Extension folder and select "Get Info."
- In the popup window, go to the Sharing & Permissions group.
- Click on the lock in the bottom right and enter your computer's password
- Set the privileges to "Read & Write" instead of "Read Only," and ensure that the permissions to read and write apply to "Everyone."
- Once you have made the changes, click the gear icon at the bottom of the window and select "Apply to enclosed item."