Before you can create access codes, you need to make sure that you have an available license. You can check your license inventory by selecting the Orders tab in the navigation panel and clicking on My Inventory. Most license orders are handled by GMetrix resellers, so if you are missing a license, you should first contact your sales representative.
Navigate to and login.
Click on Access Codes.
If you are an Administrator for more than one Organization, you will need to select the Organization you are creating access codes for. The dropdown menu for this can be found at the top left of the screen under 'Currently Managing'.
Click on New Access Code.
First you will need to configure the general settings for your Access Code.
Name - This name will be how you find the access code in the future. EX. "First Period – MS Office".
Identifier - This is an optional value that will appear as part of your code. The Identifier must be an alphanumeric value (letters and numbers only). If you leave this field empty, the Identifier will default to your Last Name. EX. Smith-12345-12345
Max Students - This value specifies the maximum number of students who are allowed to redeem the Access Code. Once the limit has been reached, no more students may redeem the code. This value can be changed later, but cannot exceed the maximum number of uses allowed by your license.
Create Single-Use Codes - The default behavior of the GMetrix platform is to create a single Access Code that can be redeemed by multiple students (up to the number set in the Max Students field). Clicking this checkbox will tell the system to instead create multiple single-use codes equal to the value in the Max Students field. You will be able to view the full list of codes under the Codes tab later. Please note that if you use this option you will not be able to modify the Max Students field, but you will be able to add more codes through the Codes tab later.
To add Content to your Access Code, click the Add Content button.
You'll be shown a screen where you can view all content available to you across all your licenses.
Content is sorted by Category and Product on the right.
You may further refine your list using the Search and Filters on the left side of the screen [License, Vendor/Publisher, Certificate, Content Type].
Use the checkboxes to select the content that you want to associate with your access code and click Save.
After selecting your content, you'll see your selected content in the Add/Remove Content section.
You may add more content be clicking Add Content.
You can remove content by clicking on the trash can icon next to the item you wish to remove.
The Default Settings section will allow you to set settings that will affect all content in the Access Code. These settings will apply to content unless a specific piece of content has content-specific settings. Those content-specific settings will override these Default Settings.
Start Date – This is the date at which content will be made available to the student. Leaving this blank will result in content immediately being available to students as soon as they redeem the access code.
Due/End Date – This is the date at which access to the content in the access code will be removed for students who have redeemed the access code. Leaving this blank will result in the students losing access to the content when the license expires (assuming that the license is not renewed).
Tests per Student – Setting this number will restrict the number of test attempts that students can make for ALL tests contained in the access code.
If you've added 5 tests to the access code, and set Tests per Student to 10, students can attempt 10 tests across all 5 of those tests.
They could use 2 attempts for each of the 5 tests or use all 10 attempts on just one of those 5 tests.
Testing Mode – This option will allow students to take tests included in the access code in Testing Mode.
Training Mode – This option will allow students to take tests included in the access code in Training Mode.
Question Review – This option will permit students to review missed questions without changing their score in Testing Mode.
Study Guide – This option will permit access to the Gmetrix Study Guides (when available).
After you have selected your Content and set your Default Settings, click Create Access Code to create the code.