The GMetrix study guide is a unique tool for student self-remediation and guided preparation for industry certification exams. It provides the student with an overview of their proficiency in test-based objectives. Feedback is given based on students taking the practice exams in testing mode. The more you take them, the more accurate the guidance provided. This powerful study tool will help you identify study topics that are your strengths and those that you need to improve on before taking your exam.

  1. Statistics:  Review your overall study progress each time you come back to your Study Guide. You may find it rewarding to see your progress at the start of each study session. 
    • Proficiency Breakdown:
      • Practice Exams Passed:  The number of exams passed compared to the number available. Exam pass rate will be the same as the certification exam.
      • Objectives Mastered:  The number of objectives mastered compared to the number of objectives available.  Objectives are directly aligned to those on the certification exam.
      • Courses completed:  Based on completing the course available to assist in learning material (purchase required). 
    • View Objectives:  Objectives available for the practice exams, are directly aligned with the certification exam.  (Refer to topics)
    • Quick Review: This shows the number of questions in the user's area of development and allows for a number of questions to be chosen and an exam created in testing or training mode. 
    • View All Questions:  Explore the full set of questions available in the Study Guide.
  2. Upcoming Exam: The date of the exam the user is preparing for.  The first thing that you should do is to set your Upcoming Exam Date.  This will help you with pacing your study sessions and ensure that you cover all the material necessary for your exam.  This date is set by the user. Once set a countdown will start and alert users to the number of days until the exam.  If no date is set, no countdown will appear.  (This is not a required item)

  3. Related Materials: This area will show all available tests and courses for the product the user is practicing.  You are able to quickly launch a Test or Course (if purchased) from this area. 

  4. Proficient Topics/Development Areas:  After you've taken a few tests, you can start to see which topics you are most proficient in and which topics you could improve on.  You'll be able to study more efficiently by focusing on your Development Areas.  Clicking the objective will allow you to launch a test in training or testing mode with all of the questions for that objective.  Click the "View" button to see how well you have performed in each topic and to review related exam questions.
    • Overview: Pass rate for that topic, the number of questions available, and taken within that topic area.  

    • Description: Detailed information on that topic area.  Information available depends on the product but could include: an explanation, key terms, and video (if the course has been purchased).

  5. Topics: Review the topics that will be covered in your exam here. Expand each level to get a more detailed view of the objective and sub-objectives. Clicking the objective will allow you to launch a test in training or testing mode with all of the questions for that objective.  Click the "View" button to see how well you have performed in each topic and to review related exam questions. 

    • Overview: Pass rate for that topic, the number of questions available, and taken within that topic area.  

    • Description: Detailed information on that topic area. Information available depends on the product but could include: an explanation, key terms, and video (if the course has been purchased).