Quick Review helps target questions that need improvement. It simulates a Practice Exam, without affecting your current scores.

A screenshot of a quick review.

To start a Quick Review:

  1. Go to the Home view and select a Program.
  2. On the Program page, find the Study Guide and click the Start or Resume button.
  3. Click the Quick Review button at the bottom of the Statistics tile.
  4. You can customize your Quick Review using a number of options:
    Quick Review customization window.
    • Mode: Similar to a Practice Exam, you can choose between Testing Mode or Training Mode.
    • Question Type: Select which questions should be prioritized based on performance.
    • Topics and Objectives: Specify which categories will be used when selecting questions for review.
    • Number of Questions: Specify how many questions you want in your review. Questions are filtered based on your selected settings and chosen at random.
  5. After selecting your options, click Start Test to begin your custom Quick Review.