The Proficiency section provides an overview of your progress in various Topics and Objectives.. It features two views: Comparison and List.

Comparison View vs. List View

  • Comparison View: Topics and Objectives are grouped as “Strengths” or “Opportunities” based on your proficiency, with each showing a proficiency percentage.
    Screenshot of Comparison View.
    • Click on an Objective to view its details.

  • List View: Displays Topics with progress bars.
    Screenshot of List View
    • Click a Topic to view its Objectives.
      Screenshot of List View with the Topics expanded to show Objectives.
    • Click the View button next to an Objective to see its details.

Navigating Objective Details

Objectives can have several detailed views to choose from. Select an option from the right-side of the Objective view to expand them and learn more.

Objective Overview

Screenshot of an Objective Overview in the Proficiency section of the Study Guide.

This section provides an overview of your proficiency for a specific Objective:

  • Progress Ring: Displays your current pass rate.
  • Progress Bars: Visualizes questions attempted and the required pass rate.
  • Launch Test: A button to launch a Quick Review with all related questions.
  • For more Quick Review options, see the Statistics tile.


This section gives a brief description of the Objective, explaining what it covers and why it is important for your learning.

Questions and Notes

Screenshot of the Questions section of an Objective in the Proficiency section of the Study Guide.

This section lists the questions related to the Objective. Select a question to view its details:

  • Question: Shown as it's worded in the Practice Exam.
  • Choices: The answers available to choose from on the exam. Correct answers are indicated by a green checkmark icon.
  • Explanation: A detailed explanation of the correct answer.


You can add notes to each question to help you remember important points or explanations:

  1. Navigate to a question.
  2. Click the + Add Note button in the Notes section.
  3. Give the note a title and details.
  4. Click the Save button to add your note.


Sub-objectives are detailed tasks or skills within each Objective. They provide a more focused approach to learning. You can click on each Sub-objective to view more details and related questions.

Resources and Reference Materials

Depending on the Objective, you may see more sections to choose from. These are reference materials and resources related to the Objective, such as files, videos, and links.