If you would like to enable Accessibility Mode for student accounts giving them double the allotted time to complete their practice tests, follow the steps below:


New Tool:

  1. Log into your Administrator Account at manage.gmetrix.net.
  2. In the left menu select Students.
  3. Click on Details for your desired student.
  4. Click on the toggle for Accessibility Mode.
  5. Click Save.

Legacy Tool:

  1. Log into your Administrator Account at manage.gmetrix.net
  2. Under the Students Menu on the left, click on Search By Name
  3. After searching for the student, click on Details in the student info
  4. Under the student information page you will see the option to switch on/off "Accessibility Mode" for the student account you are currently editing. Flipping this switch green will enable double time on all practice exams and course assessments.  
  5. Click on Save Student Info

If the "Accessibility Mode" switch does not appear for you then this means your Gmetrix admin account does not have the permissions required to view this feature. You can gain these permissions by having another admin at your school with the correct permissions edit your own admin account granting you the same permissions.

If there is no other admin at your school able to grant those permissions then you can reach out to our support team at support.gmetrix.net/