While students are able to create their own GMetrix student accounts, GMetrix administrators can also create their accounts for them. Doing so allows the administrator to set up the student accounts ahead of time and control the usernames to provide a specific format (we recommend using their student email account to ensure each username is unique).

There are two ways to add student accounts through the administrator panel: importing them from a file and creating them manually.

To import student accounts from a file:

  1. Log into your GMetrix Administrator account at manage.gmetrix.net.
  2. Go to Students > Import.
  3. If you don't have a spreadsheet ready to upload, you can select the Download button to download a template. 
    • We recommend using the email address as the username. You can also include an Access Code column, which will automatically redeem an access code onto the student account when it is created. This column is necessary if you want the access code to be different from student to student, but if you want them to all have the same access code, then you can set it later in the process (see step 7).
  4. Fill out the needed information in the spreadsheet (First Name, Last Name, Username, Email Address, Password).
  5. Once you have filled out the information in the spreadsheet, select Choose File, open the file you want, and then click Upload.
  6. Make sure that each column header in your spreadsheet matches the corresponding information in the Format Data section. Note that if you do not have values in the Password column, you can set a default password for every student that is missing a Password value.
  7. Ensure that the optional information (namely, Access Code, Group, and Student Number) is included if you want. 
    • For Access Code, you can use the dropdown menu to select the appropriate column from your spreadsheet, or you can enter a single access code that will be redeemed to every student account in the list upon creation.
    • For Group, you can use the dropdown list to add the students to a Student Group that already exists, or it will create a group for the import.
    • For Student Number, you can select the column from the spreadsheet that has the student number, or you can leave it as "No Import Column" if you do not have that information or want to include it.
  8. Select Verify Student Accounts.
  9. You have a chance to confirm student account information one last time before creating the accounts. This page will also let you know if it detects any errors, which usually means that an account you are trying to create already exists in the system.
    • In this case, you will need to make the username more unique (we recommend using the email address). 
    • If the email address already exists as a username in our system, then your student already has an account and you do not need to create a second one. 
    • If you're student doesn't remember their log-in information, you can search for their student account (see the How to Search for Student Accounts article) and reset their password.
  10. Once you've confirmed the information is correct, select Create Students, and your students will now be able to log in using the username and password you set.

To create students manually:

  1. Log in to your GMetrix Administrator account.
  2. Go to Students > Import.
  3. Click Create Manually and fill out the information you are prompted for. Note that this method does not allow you to set groups or student numbers upon import.
  4. If you're wanting an access code to be automatically redeemed, we recommend using the Validate Code button to make sure that (a) the code has been entered correctly and (b) that the code has uses remaining on it. If both those requirements are met, then you will get this message:
  5. Hit the Submit button. If the account was successfully created, you will get this message:
  6. If the account was not successfully created, you will get an error message and need to try again (usually because the username already exists in our system). 
    • In this case, you will need to make the username more unique (we recommend using the email address). 
    • If the email address already exists as a username in our system, then your student already has an account and you do not need to create a second one. 
    • If you're student doesn't remember their log-in information, you can search for their student account (see the How to Search for Student Accounts article) and reset their password.
Why can't I see student accounts that I created?

Due to the privacy of a user's information, especially minor's information, you will not be able to see a user's information until they have redeemed and access code from your school. We Apologize if this causes any inconvenience, but this helps protect user's and their information from people who should not have access to it.