The reason you are seeing this message is that one or more of the license(s) used to create the Classroom/Access Code have run out of uses or expired. If you have not spoken with your supplier, we recommend reaching out to them to purchase a new license.
Once you have purchased a new license you will have the ability to transfer the content to the new license. Follow the below steps to learn how to do so.
- Navigate to and login to your Administrator account.
- Click on Classroom or Access Codes in the left menu.
- Click Details on the Classroom/Access Code you would like to transfer content.
- Click "Click here for more info" inside the message at the top of the page.
- To transfer the content, check the box of the license you wish to transfer the content to and click the button "Transfer Content"
- The list at the top shows the content that the Classroom/Access Code no longer has access to because of the license expiring or running out of uses.
- The list at the bottom shows your new license and which content will be made available again by selecting the new license.
If your license has expired and you do not have any active licenses that you can transfer the content to, you can either click Remove Content to remove it from the Classroom/Access Code or you can contact your supplier to place a new order and transfer the content to the new license.![](